Resonance in a Series LCR Circuit
Resonance in a Series LCR Circuit: Overview
This topic covers concepts, such as, Resonance Frequency, Phasor Diagram for Series L-C-R Circuit at Resonance, Current versus Frequency Graph for L-C-R Series Circuit & Power Dissipated at Resonance in Series LCR Circuit etc.
Important Questions on Resonance in a Series LCR Circuit
Graph showing variation of current with frequency of source in a series circuit is,

In the following circuit the readings of AC voltmeters and ammeters will be respectively-

The inductance of the oscillatory circuit of the radio station is and its capacitance is . Taking the effect of resistance negligible, wavelength of the broadcasted waves will be (velocity of light )

The inductance of the oscillatory circuit of the radio station is and its capacitance is . Taking the effect of resistance negligible, wavelength of the broadcasted waves will be (velocity of light )

A source of is connected to a series circuit having , and . Find the peak value of current at frequency less than the resonant frequency.

Which one is the expression of resonant frequency in a series resonant circuit?

In LCR alternating circuit, , and . What is the impedance of the circuit in Ohms?

A parallel L-C circuit comprises of a 5H inductor and capacitor. The resonant frequency of the circuit in is

In the given figure, which point shows the resonant state?

A circuit draws a power of from a source of , . The power factor of the circuit is and the current lags in phase behind the potential difference. To make the power factor of the circuit as unity, the capacitance connected with the circuit in series is. Find the value of .

The given figure represents the phasor diagram of a series circuit connected to an ac source. At the instant t' when the source voltage is given by , the current in the circuit will be :

In the circuit in the figure, and the source of time varying emf has a peak voltage of What should the angular frequency of the source, $\omega$, be to produce the largest current in the resistor?

If value of is changed, then :-

The resonance frequency of the tank circuit of an oscillator when and are connected in parallel is

In a series resonant circuit, the AC voltage across resistance , inductor and capacitor are , respectively. The AC voltage applied to the current will be

In series circuit, the resonance condition in terms of capacitive reactance and inductive reactance is

The inductance of the oscillatory circuit of the radio station is and its capacitance is . Taking the effect of resistance negligible, wavelength of the broadcasted waves will be (velocity of light )

A resistance, coil and capacitor are joined in series. When a variable frequency alternating current source is joined to this combination, the circuit resonates. If the resistance is halved, the resonance frequency:

A series circuit of , , is connected to AC source.
(i) Frequency at which power factor of circuit is .
(ii) Peak value of current at this frequency.
(iii) Quality factor

Find the resonance frequency of series series circuit containing ,